Rabu, 28 Maret 2018


My Self Report..



Summary and Suggestions

            Student teacher summarize during practicum according to topics as follows:
A. Purposes of practicum
   The main objective of the teaching practicum is to provide student teachers with authentic  hands-on experience in teaching. This is required to develop their teaching skills and to start collecting experiences to enrich their professional wisdom.   It is not enough to read about teaching or to observe others teach, something students have done for years. Student teachers have to practice themselves because practical knowledge and wisdom are held by the individual and cannot easily be transmitted from person to person. Student teachers need know-how, and by connecting the skills of teaching to knowledge, through reflection, they will gradually start developing practical wisdom.
B.               Procedures of practicum
First procedure, teacher must to know  what the topics to teach, and choose teaching strategies.
Teacher make lesson plan and prepare lessons and materials, and then teacher teaching manage class, after teaching,  evaluation with supervising instructor.

C.     Outcomes of practicum
the teacher becomes more trained in teaching, or create the right lesson plan, know the appropriate teaching methods used, can manage the class, manage time
D. The challenges of practicum
The challenge of teaching this time is how to explain the lessons in English, then how to control the class when the students are noisy, how to manage time.

E.Overall impression
      Understand exactly what kind of teacher, understand how important teaching method, the importance of managing class and time. Lack when  teaching.
F.Suggestions for future improvement
Hope the teacher improve again  English skills,  continues practice  to be a good teacher, can manage the class, manage the time and used various teaching methods and correctly.

Teaching Practice

 Senior High School of PSU
            Report on the teaching practice according to topics as follows:

A.    Procedures of teaching
-          Students greeting and pray together.
-          Students attendance checked by teacher
-          the teacher review the last topics and then give to motivational activity.
-          Student discuss about the task given by teacher or problem solving
-          The teacher explain about topics and ask to students
-          Students answer the question
-          Students do short quiz in the last lesson
B.     Time management and organizing activities
10    minutes to opening ( greetings, pray, motivation activity)
20    minutes discuss ( group activity)
20  minutes explain about topic and problem solving
10  minutes quiz and attract conclusion this lessons today

C.     Problem-solving
The teacher give a problem and students make high thinking to solve it.
D.    Classroom management
The teacher need strategies to manage class, so you will manage class,when you used teaching ethode appropiate.

Observation on Teacher(s)

                    Based on the observation, the result;
A.       Planning for teaching
Planning is the best antidote for the nerves that many people feel when teaching a subject for the first time or meeting a new group of students. It is also the only way to ensure that your educational objectives are achieved. Planning begins with thinking about how you would like your students to approach their learning in your subject, and what you would like them to understand, know or be able to do by the end of the session. Whether you are planning a subject for the first time, or reviewing an existing subject it is important to consider the effects of your teaching and assessment on students' learning. The teacher have choose teaching methode,  make lesson plan before teaching.

B.        Preparing lessons and materials
The teacher have prepared this materials to use teaching,  the teacher find topics in the book and the teacher understand about something.

C.        Teaching in class
The teacher teached like the lesson plan, and teacher can manage class and time.
D.       Measurement and Evaluation
Measurement from the quiz and evaluation in the last lesson

Teaching Plan

Senior High School of PSU

Teaching plan or lesson plan is a detailed guide for teaching a lesson. It's a step-by-step guide that outlines the teacher's objectives for what the students will accomplish that day. Creating a lesson plan involves setting goals, developing activities, and determining the materials that will be used. 
A.     Curriculum
         Curiculum in the PSU Laboratory Integrated High School at Bayambang use K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum. The format curriculum like that;
Content Standart
Performances Standart
Learning Competencies

The difference between accuracy and precision

Differentiatebetween  precision and accuracy.

B.           Teaching plan related to your major
Topic : accuracy and precision
1.   Objectives : Differentiate between Empirical and Molecular Formula
2.   a. Materials/ Tools : Book, TV, Powerpoint Presentation
b. Reference :
c. Teaching Methode :  Lecture, Discussion
d. Value Intergration : Cooperation, Tolerance, and Team work
3.  a. Preliminary Activities
   - Review
    - Motivation
     4. Development of the Lesson
  5.  Wrap- up/ Synthesis          
4     Assesment
5     Assigment